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Introducing scenario planning modified for quick deployment and iteration, adding a dimension to finding solutions for business with complicated or complex systems. Julio introduces the 7 phases of the matrix: identify, classify, articulate, numbers, systems, engage and evaluate, and offers examples for how this approach can be used in real-life situations. We can prepare for an ‘unknown’ future!  Presenter: Julio Graham: Managing... Read more
We describe the work of people who take a systems convening approach, whether they know it or not. We articulate the mindset with which they approach the work and the different dimensions of that work.It’s a context-based, non-prescriptive conceptualisation based on people’s experiences. Presenters: Bev and Etienne Wenger-Trayner; Social Learning Theorists & Consultants 
In this talk, Gerald Midgley will present the systems theory of marginalization that he has been developing and applying in systemic interventions for almost 30 years. This theory offers a generic model of marginalization processes that is equally relevant to relationships between people in small groups, organizations, communities and international relations. Both people and the issues that concern them can become marginalized. Gerald ... Read more
Video Presentation
Humans developed the capacity to walk x years ago. But without feedback we’d still be crawling. We would not have learnt from our stumbling mistakes. Can modern government work without feedback? Can any system? This session is a combined presentation and co-production.Cybernetics is its theoretical basis and circular causality or feedback—that is, where the outcomes of actions are taken as inputs for further action. The gaping hole at the centre... Read more
El sentido común nos impide abordar las transformaciones profundas que el mundo necesita, porque es justamente lo que ha generado los complejos problemas del Siglo XXI, como las desigualdades, las discriminaciones, la crisis climática, la destrucción ambiental, el narcotráfico o las oleadas de personas que migran buscando dignidad. El sentido común es un modo de actuar automático que está instalado en nuestras mentes y culturas desde hace cuatro... Read more
¿Por qué es relevante para la estrategia o el diseño organizacional? Permite identificar a las personas clave que pueden contribuir a mejorar el desempeño gracias a su influencia. Permite también identificar los vacíos estructurales que incrementan la fragilidad de la organización.
Video Presentation
El pensamiento sistémico es un marco de pensamiento teórico que no siempre es sencillo de llevar a la práctica (¡más bien al contrario!). En esta minicharla Eduardo mostrará la forma en la que trata de aplicarlo a su actividad profesional (consultoría para desarrollar proyectos y empresas más sostenibles y responsables), reflexionando sobre las cosas que le funcionan y las limitaciones que encuentra.
Saying, such as, “Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell who you are” or “Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are” presume that a person's identity could be derived from the person's environment. Can the same be done for organizational identity? According to Patrick Hoverstadt, it can be done by exploiting the  concept of structural coupling that comes from biological cybernetic, more exactly from the works of Maturana... Read more
Video Presentation
Organisations are coming under increasing pressure to work sustainably, both environmentally and socially. That will require a process of more or less adaptation, involving varying degrees of organisational learning. But what needs to be learnt? The Viable System Model has the potential to be a very powerful way of identifying what people within organisations need to learn. Based on extensive research carried out in the course of writing his for... Read more
Residuality theory is a revolutionary new theory of software design that aims to make it easier to design software systems for complex business environments. Residuality theory models software systems as interconnected residues - an alternative to component and process modelling that uses applied complexity science to make managing uncertainty a fundamental part of the design process.