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The Viable Systems Model is an elegant and profound intellectual achievement, but its practical impact and recognition is limited, at least in the world of business. In this talk Steve Morlidge will demonstrate how he has introduced cybernetic thinking into the design and description of innovative management practices to improve the regulation of organisational financial resources, specifically: Alternatives to traditional annual budgeting, Busin... Read more
Systems architecture provides a framing for systems thinking. Systems architecture has long been considered as both an art and a science. The systems architect uses heuristics, stories, and models to communicate complex architectural concepts to stakeholders. Since the earliest times, master building architects have developed their skills broadly across the technical, business, and fine art domains. Principles and practices of systems architectur... Read more
To introduce practical approaches to developing a more effective organisational system through gaining visibility of the informal networks that exist within the organisation. Understanding how informal networks operate is crucial to understanding organisational behaviour and identifying levers for positive change. The use of graphical representations of those informal networks is a key to getting everyone engaged in change processes - ‘people do ... Read more
[Presentation in English]  The ever increasing variety in our daily practice makes it hard to create viable organizations, supply chains, and networks. We know the theory, but the big question is always “But how?”. USM, the method for unified service management, provides an effective answer, based on principles, architecture, systems, and complexity reduction. USM explains how practitioners have been sent in the wrong direction for three dec... Read more
[presentation in Spanish]    La esencial triple pregunta de los seres humanos, "quién soy, de dónde vengo y a dónde voy", es perfectamente aplicable a las organizaciones que, en definitiva, no dejan de ser agregaciones de personas conformando un sistema complejo. En este pequeño espacio vamos a realizar un rápido recorrido a las tipologías organizativas, sus estados de evolución y cómo descubrir "dónde está" cada una, aspecto funda... Read more
This development event explored what metaphors are how they use shapes thinking from two perspectives: non-conscious use of metaphors and the way they frame how people set and then solve problems;  using metaphors to generate and explore new framings and conflicts in framing
At the September 2020 SCiO Open Day Ray Ison and Ed Straw drew on their newly published book ‘The Hidden Power of Systems Thinking’.  They presented a case for the importance of Systems Thinking in Practice (STiP) for addressing a range of current crises including the climate emergency. They argued for a theory of change from within civil society and a need to move from understanding to action.  In 2018 Somerset County Council (SCC) ga... Read more
The Variety Calculus was developed by Dr Gordon Niven and Lt Gen Sir David Capewell as an approach to addressing the increasing complexity of military operations and operating environments. It is a synthesis of concepts from cybernetics, complexity theory and systems thinking that seeks to provide a way of thinking about human organisations and purposeful endeavours that can inform how we can develop structures, processes and relationships that a... Read more
'Essential Balances for Organizational Diagnose and Design’ – Ivo Velitchkov – European commission and Independant Consultant (Eng)
SCiO DACH Buch Club mit Dr. Martin Pfiffner und seinem fantastischen Buch „Die dritte Dimension des Organisierens“ erschienen 2020 bei Springer/ Gabler mit 348 Seiten für 34.99 € als Taschenbuch. eBook ISBN: 978-3-658-29247-8, Softcover ISBN: 978-3-658-29246-1 Donnerstag den 28.01.2021 von 16:00 bis 17:30 Uhr GMT virtuell Die 1. Dimension; die Aufbauorganisation Die 2. Dimension; die Ablauforganisation Die 3. Dimension des Organisierens; das ... Read more